Different Types of Drug Testing Kits

Anyone can be exposed to illicit drugs. However, the use of this type of drug is more common in teens than in lower age brackets. This is the age where in kids are prone to peer pressure and the pressure of bad adult company. If you re suspecting that your teen may be under the influence of some kind of drug, or if you just want to be sure that your child is not developing a dangerous hobby, buying a drug testing kit for home use is right for you.

Choosing the Right Kit for Drug Testing


Note that there are different types of drug testers in the market. You can find them in drugstores as well as in online shops. Here are the types of kits for drug testing:


  • Urine Drug Testing Kit

This is a small kit, which can be purchased at a very low cost. The urine is tested for 10 multiple drugs at the same time. In this type of drug testing kits, only a small amount of your teen’s urine is needed to complete the drug test. When done correctly, this can produce accurate results. However, it can be manipulated during the collection of the urine so make sure that you are physically present on the collection.


  • Hair Drug Testing Kit

This is the type of kit you should use if you suspect that your teen is using drugs. You only need to take a hair sample then have it sent to the laboratory. This kit can detect drug presence in the system for up to 90 days. The main benefit to this is the accuracy of the result and the low risk of adulteration.


  • Breath Analyzers

This is not necessarily for a drug but for alcohol detection in the system of your teen. If you want to know if your teen is intoxicated with alcoholic beverages, you can use this kit for accurate results.